17 th Conference for materials protection and industrial finishing
organised by the Croatian Society for Materials Protection, it will take place on 25th. - 26th April. 2006, Zagreb Fair in Zagreb, Croatia

The conference will provide a forum for international exchange of information about all aspects of corrosion, materials protection, surface finishing and environmental protection.

The technical topics will iinclude:
Corrosion and protection of steel structures
Corrosion testing
Corrosin and scale inhibition
Cathodic protection
Corrosion in concrete
Metal surface finishing
Corrosion in oil and gas production
Environmental impact

Call for papers

The deadline for the submission of title is 15th January 2006, of the abstract is 15th February 2006 and of the paper 15th March 2006.
Please submit title of your paper by fax (+38516168343) or e-mail